Venezuela is heading for bankruptcy, why can it happen?

US senses breakthrough in Venezuela crisis | Financial Times

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have fled abroad in search of a better life following the worsening economy of the South American country since mid-2017.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts the inflation rate in Venezuela could reach 13,000 percent in 2018.

Since January 2016, President Nicolas Maduro set an economic emergency status to overcome the severe conditions in the oil-rich country.

But until now Venezuela’s political and social conditions have become increasingly unstable. Anti-government protests expanded to a peak in mid-2017 and killed dozens of people.

Citing news from CNN, here are five reasons that can at least explain why Venezuela’s economic crisis continues to deteriorate:

  1. The fall in world oil prices

Most of Venezuela’s economy depends on petroleum commodities. At present, world oil prices have dropped to US $ 28.36 per barrel. The lowest price since the last 12 years.

The fall in crude oil prices since 2013 …

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Verschieben Und Speichern Von Problemen Für Unternehmen

Image result for Verschieben Und Speichern Von Problemen

Wenn Sie Ihr Unternehmen an einen brandneuen Standort verlegen, müssen Sie sich unbedingt Zeit nehmen, um den Umzug zu planen. Dies bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass Sie sich mit Ihrem Geschäftspartner treffen, Ihren Vorstand zusammenstellen und Fachleute hinzuziehen müssen, um Ihrem Unternehmen den Übergang zu Ihrem neuen Standort zu erleichtern. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Ihr Unternehmen erweitern, verkleinern oder ausbauen, müssen Sie sich wahrscheinlich außerhalb des Unternehmens um einige Ihrer Anforderungen kümmern. Der Umzug an einen neuen Standort muss kein Problem sein, wenn Sie sich Zeit nehmen, um sich auf einige der wahrscheinlichen Szenarien auf dem Weg vor Ihrem Unternehmen vorzubereiten.

Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um alle Umstände zu planen, die auftreten können, wenn Sie Ihr Unternehmen an einen neuen Standort verlegen. Um im neuen Gebäude ausreichend Platz zu haben, muss Ihr Unternehmen möglicherweise zusätzlichen Speicherplatz für alle Geräte mieten, die von alten Baustellen stammen. Wenn Ihr Unternehmen in ein Gebäude umzieht, …

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Gravel and Their Uses for Landscaping

Gravel is a loose arrangement of rock fragments. There are several different types of gravel and they are classified by size. Gravel is used to brighten up the landscape along with creation of driveways, pathways and flower beds

Types of Gravels

There are several types of gravel that is used in landscaping and everyday needs. Crushed stone is what is normally used in driveways. This type of gravel can be limestone, granite, gneiss or trap rock or a mixture of gravel. This would be a mixture of gray and white colors to help add color to the landscape. Washed clean stone is similar to crushed stone but it has been cleaned. This removes impurities that would not be wanted in your gravel. Pea gravel is one of the most popular types used in landscaping. Pea gravel is small, smooth, and round gravel. This type of gravel is in all different …

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Customer Loyalty is About Wants, Needs, and Behavioral Patterns

When considering the value in customer loyalty programs, most business owners, marketing managers and blog owners most often pay attention to what they can gain from it, paying very little attention to the actual methods used. That does not mean that they do not care about the way and which customer loyalty is obtained, but rather, obsessed with the final results. Well that is perfectly acceptable, overlooking the variations in customer loyalty program companies can prove to be a big mistake. Not only does the method use in order to obtain customer loyalty make a difference and the type of loyalty that is realized from the campaign, it will also determine the overall relationship between the brand and the customer. That is because customers will respond to different marketing materials in various ways, and not all consumer loyalty programs are made equally. Deciding which program to enroll in starts with …

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Tips on How to Start and Run a Successful Moving Company 

Since the economic crisis of 2008, people have been encouraged to start their own business. When people become entrepreneurs, the effects of a recession are reduced. The undesired effects of laying-off people are reduced. One of the exciting businesses to engage in is starting a moving company. This article gives tips on how to start and run a moving company

Start with Drafting a Business Plan

While preparing a business plan, one should come up with a detailed plan on how to execute the idea. Theoretically, one should be able to visualize the concept. The business plan should address issues such as the source of funds, allocation of resources, and opportunities to target. A business plan should be a little different or entirely new from what is being offered in the industry. This innovativeness will increase the chances of the business becoming successful.

Seek Legal Permits to Start Operating

Based …

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